Important Safety Gear for Every Cyclist
Although most bicycle accidents are a result of driver negligence, there are a few ways cyclists can help keep themselves safer on the roads. Wearing the proper safety gear is a big part of staying safe, and can help reduce the severity of injury in the event of a crash. Still, even the best safety gear will not fully protect accident victims when they are on a bike. Crashes between vehicles and bikes cause some of the worst injuries seen in personal injury cases. When cyclists are hit by drivers, they need to speak to a San Francisco bicycle accident lawyer who can help with their case.
Bicycle HelmetsAlthough California law only requires riders under the age of 18 to wear a helmet, every cyclist should wear one at all times. Do not buy a used helmet, and always replace a helmet if you have been involved in an accident, even if it does not appear to have sustained damage. Also make sure your helmet meets the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Standard outlined in 16 CFR, part 1203. If you are unsure whether you are legally required to wear a helmet, reach out to a bicycle accident attorney in San Francisco for guidance.
GlovesDuring a bicycle accident, cyclists are often thrown from their bike. When they are, it is a natural instinct to put their hands out to break the fall. Without gloves on, this causes your wrists and hands to scrape across the pavement, causing serious injuries. Gloves can provide a barrier between your skin and the road, providing you more protection. Additionally, gloves will also protect you from the vibration of the road, which can make hands sore.
A KitThis is not a bicycle repair kit. Your kit refers to the jersey and shorts you wear while on your bike. High-quality padded shorts will help keep you comfortable in your seat, and can help lessen the severity of injuries in a crash. A good jersey should be tight-fitting but comfortable, and brightly colored to help make you more visible to motorists.
Road IDThese are bracelets, available from many different manufacturers, that contain your most important information. In the event of a bicycle accident, you could be knocked unconscious, or be unable to relay this important information. Road ID will inform emergency personnel of your blood type, allergies, and important phone numbers.
Water Bottle and CageYou will likely need to hydrate at some point during your ride, particularly if you are traveling long distances. Do not hold a water bottle if you are not using it, or clip it somewhere behind your seat. Equip your bicycle with a cage on the bar directly beneath you, and place a water bottle there. This will allow you to get the hydration you need without taking your eyes off the road, or your hands off your handlebars.
Hurt in a Bicycle Crash? Call our San Francisco Bicycle Accident LawyersAt the Brod Law Firm, we are experienced in dealing with bicycle accident claims. We know that safety gear does not always keep you safe when you need it to. When that is the case, and you have been injured due to a driver or another cyclist, you have legal options. Call our experienced bicycle accident atorneys in San Francisco at (800) 427-7020 for your free consultation and we will discuss what they are and if you are entitled to compensation.